##======== BITRASH V1.0 README ##======== by Astro ##======== 6 june 2019 ##======= ABOUT BITRASH is a file corruption program. It makes a corrupted copy of the input file. More info: astrossoundhell.neocities.org/data/misc/bitrash/ ##======== INTERFACE Let's take a look at the interface from top to bottom. 1. input file selector: click on either the filename line or the [File] button to open up a file search dialog. 2. working directory selector: clock on either the line or the [Directory] button to open up a directory select dialog. It is the directory your output files will be placed in. By default it's the same as the input file directory. 3. new file name setting: sets the name of the processed file. by default it adds "-BITRASHED" to the end of the filename. You can enter a custom one. Mind the extension! 4. Functional buttons array: a bunch of buttons. SAVE PRESET: saves current settings into a .btrsh preset file LOAD PRESET: search for a .btrsh preset file and load it in DEFAULTS: load the initial preset ABOUT: display the 'about this program' message QUIT: what it says. Quits the software. 5. First bytes to preserve selector: type in a numerical value of how many bytes to preserve from the beginning of the file. Optimal value depends on file format and size, but in most cases 1000-4000 bytes work well. 6. Trasher blocks: six of them, each represents a corruption algorithm. The 'enabled' tickbox indicates if this trasher is in force right now. Value fields take in working values. Each trasher will be described below. 7. the [C O R R U P T] button: hit it to start processing! Note: files larger than 25 MB hang up the program and it changes its state to "not responding". Usually it is - just wait. I am working on a faster algorithm, but so far byte by byte processing does the best of all. ##======== DIFFERENT TRASHERS Let's overview the file corrupting algorithms we have on board. 1. BYTEPLACE replaces each Nth byte with a pre-set value. The number of bytes minus 1 it skips before replacing a byte (N) is set in the right field, and the value it replaces stuff with is on the right. 2. SWAPPER. Every N bytes it swaps two bytes next to each other places. Needs only one input - N, same as in BYTEPLACE. 3. RAND CHUNK divides files into chunks of user-set size, and then each chunk gets some of its last % replaced with random noise. Size of the chunk is set in the CYCLE setting to the left, percentage of the chunk's noisy tail is set in X setting on the right 4. ADDER adds a user-set value to every Nth byte. Same as in BYTEPLACE and SWAPPER, the N parameter to the left sets the occurence of this trasher, and INCR sets a value to be added. INCR is good from 0 to 255, all values out of this range will be clipped to 255 or 0. 5. RANDPLACE replaces each Nth byte with a random value. Same as the BYTEPLACE thing, but uses random instead of preset value. Has only one value - N - representing the number of bytes it periods over 6. BIT SHIFTER shifts each Nth byte to the left or to the right by one bit (e.g. 00010001 -> 00100010, or 00010001 -> 00001000). It has two settings: N - does the same as in all other things, and DIR - which ONLY accepts 0 for left shift or 1 for right shift. All other values will default to 0 (left shift). ##======== SAVING AND SHARING PRESETS You can save the presets you found to be the most interesting! I am very proud of this function and you should definitely use it. My advice is to keep them in some separate folders and give them some meaningful names, such as maybe include the "preferrable" extensions to the filename If you think you made a nice preset, mail it over to me and i'll add it to the default preset pack (which will be available in the next version I HOPE): analogpatch@gmail.com ##======== QUESTIONS? INQUIRIES? ---> analogpatch@gmail.com ##======== HAVE FUN! PLUR!